Overriding a Site Logo
Changing the logo at the space level.
The logo displayed in any space with Theme Press applied is selected, sized, and positioned within the theme itself. Users also have the option of overriding this configured logo for any space.
Rename your new logo image, based on image type.
The name of the file must use one of the following titles, in order for it to display.
- space-logo.gif
- space-logo.jpg
- space-logo.png
Attach your chosen image to the space homepage.
On the space homepage, drag the image from your desktop onto the page or attach via the normal attachment screen.
Style the Space Logo
Open the Theme Designer and click the "Space" tab. Under "Space Logo" there are options for updating the placement and size of the new logo. Use these to adjust the logo appropriately. These settings will hold across all pages in this space.
That's it!
Reload the page, and your new image will appear in place of the logo set in the theme.
- On initial upload of the file, the new logo image will use the positioning and sizing set in your theme. (see Step 3 to override these theme logo settings).
- Want to change the click target for the new logo that appears in the space? See Changing the Click Target for a Space Logo for more information.