Targeted Search Field macro key and configuration options.



ParameterDescriptionExpected InputExample Value(s)
Show Filter Group(s)

Displays only the specified filter group(s) in the sidebar of the search panel after the user enters their search.

Specified filter group(s) must be visible to the current space.

If left blank, all filter groups that are visible to the current space will appear in the search results page sidebar.

Filter group name(s); comma-separated if more than one
Region, DepartmentDocument Type[no selection]
Hide Filter Group(s)

Hides the specified filters group(s) in the sidebar of the search results page after the user enters their search.

Most useful when Show Filter Group(s) parameter is left blank. Overrides any filter group(s) specified in Show Filter Group(s) parameter.

Filter group name(s); comma-separated if more than one

Contract Personnel

Search Against Spaces

Limits the search scope to spaces with the specified keys or category labels.

Leave blank to search in all spaces.

Space category label(s) and/or key(s); comma-separated if more then one

partner, PUBLIC

[no selection]

Show Space Categories

Toggles the visibility of space categories in the sidebar of the search results page after the user enters their search.

Check mark
Search Against Filters

Narrows the search results to content labeled with at least one of the specified filters/labels.

Filter name(s) or label(s); comma-separated if more than one

Onboarding, Training

Results Must Contain One FilterToggles the search scope between all content, whether labeled or unlabeled (unselected), and only content containing at least one filter label from any filter group (selected).Check mark
Exclude Content

Excludes from the search results any content that is labeled with at least one specified filter/label.

<p><a href="" target="_blank">SEARCH-630</a>; <a href="" target="_blank">SEARCH-631</a></p>
Filter name(s) or label(s); comma-separated if more than one

Internal Comm, private

Search Pages

Toggles the option of including pages in the search scope.

If selected, search scope will be limited to pages only unless the Search Blogposts and/or Search Attachments option is also selected.

Has an OR (search-broadening)* relationship with the other content types that may be selected.

If none of the three content types is selected, all three content types will be included in the search scope.

Check mark
Search Blogposts

Toggles the option of including blog posts in the search scope.

If selected, search scope will be limited to blog posts only unless the Search Pages and/or Search Attachments option is also selected.

Has an OR (search-broadening)* relationship with the other content types that may be selected.

If none of the three content types is selected, all three content types will be included in the search scope.

Check mark
Search Attachments

Toggles the option of including attachments in the search scope.

If selected, search scope will be limited to attachments only unless the Search Pages and/or Search Blogposts option is also selected.

Has an OR (search-broadening)* relationship with the other content types that may be selected.

If none of the three content types is selected, all three content types will be included in the search scope.

Check mark
Last Modified Date

Limits the search scope to content that was last modified within the specified time frame.

Leave blank to include content that was last modified at any time.

Drop-down menu selection








[no selection]

Quick Search ResultsLimits the number of quick search results – the search results that begin to appear as the user beings typing in the search field – to the specified number. (Default: 15)Positive integer


Maximum Search ResultsLimits the total number of search results to the specified number. (Default: 200)Positive integer


Field Width

Defines the width of the search/input field.

This value will be overridden if the Replace Confluence Search option below is selected. In that case, this search box will be as wide as the original Confluence search box. Width and other styling options for the Confluence search box can be adjusted in your theme if you have Brikit Theme Press installed.

Pixels or percentage of the width of the page, Confluence section, or block (if using Theme Press)



Search Against Page Titles (Quick Search)

Toggles between searching against page titles only or all page content.

Applies only to quick search results. If selected, search switches back to searching against all page content once the user enters their search and lands on the search results page.

Check mark
Replace Confluence SearchToggles between showing this search field in its current location (unselected) or in place of the Confluence search box (selected).Check mark

Aligns the position of the search field horizontally within the block (if using Theme Press) or page.

This value will be overridden if the Replace Confluence Search option above is selected. In that case, this search box will be aligned in the same manner as the original Confluence search box. Placement and other styling options for the Confluence search box can be adjusted in your theme if you have Brikit Theme Press installed.

Drop-down menu selection




*OR relationships among search criteria broaden the scope of the search, resulting in more potential search results with every added criterion.

Example: If you search for documents that have the label "cats" OR "dogs" OR "snakes", you will get all documents that have at least one of these labels attached.

AND relationships among search criteria narrow the scope of the search, resulting in fewer potential search results with every added criterion.

Example: If you search for documents that have the labels "cats" AND "dogs" AND "snakes", you will get only documents that have all of these labels attached.