A filter group nested under filter and used for creating deep hierarchies of filters.

A filter subcategory is a filter group that is nested under a filter. It is a human-readable heading used to describe and contain additional filters within. It is not itself a filter, but it does have an optional filter prefix that is appended to filters in the subcategory and that acts like filter for organizing filter label names.

Filter subcategories are instrumental for improving the display and browsing of labels in both the search panel and the label application window.

Learn more about creating and using filter subcategories.

A note about what filters are applied to the page:

  • When a filter inside a filter subcategory is applied to the page, not only is that filter applied but also its "parent filter"–that is, the filter just 'above' the filter subcategory.

This ensures that searching and filtering proceed from retrieving the broadest set of content using upper level parent filters on down to the most specific and fewest pieces of content using lower level or deeper filters.