A special blueprint (AKA template) that maintains its connection to all of its offspring.

A 'live' blueprint is one in which its form 'persists' to any page where this blueprint is activated. This means that with a live blueprint you can make a change to the original blueprint and any of the pages on which it is used (it's 'offspring') will also see the change. In this way, there is a persistent and 'live' connection from the offspring back to the source blueprint.

This 'live' connection is what. makes a live blueprint different from a page or space blueprint. These latter two can be thought of as the 'stamp' from which copies can be 'stamped out'. Changes to the 'stamp' will only affect future copies. Whereas a 'live blueprint', by contrast, might best be thought of as a 'link' or a 'reference'. Changes to the source blueprint automatically update any place it is referenced.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this concept that falls outside the scope of the Definition section; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Definition block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.