How to create a blueprint at the page level.


Before you begin building your page blueprint, you'll want to:

Create the page that will become a Page Blueprint

A blueprint is the archetypical page, or template, from which all subsequent copies will be made. For example, suppose your organization's intranet will have a news space containing a set of news article pages. You don't want to have to create both the article content and the design of the page every time an article is needed. Instead, you can create a "news article" blueprint page which contains the standardized design of a news article. Then, when you need a news article, simply create it from this blueprint, and then fill in the content unique to this article.

Knowing that this will be a "standard" for this type of page, the page blueprint should be designed accordingly. 

Add substitution fields to the Page Blueprint


Navigate to the Blueprint Definitions Page and download the JSON File

See Accessing and Editing the JSON File for instructions on how to download the file.

In the JSON File, create a pageBlueprint object


    1. Name (A human-readable name)
    2. Description (Appears below the blueprint name in the Blueprint Menu)
    3. Space Key (The key of the space where the blueprint page resides)
    4. Page Title Name of the blueprint page
    5. Blueprint Fields (List of the substitution fields used in the blueprint)
      1. Both built-in and custom fields
        1. Not required, but useful
        2. Sets the order the fields will appear in the Wizard
    6. Include Children (toggles whether child pages will be included in the blueprint)

In the JSON file, add and define your substitution fields


    1. ID (A unique ID for the field)

    2. Name (A human-readable name)

    3. Required (A toggle for whether the field is required)

    4. Type (Defines the length of the field)

    5. Help Text (Additional text to assist the user in filling out the field - appears below the data-entry field in the blueprint wizard)

    6. Placeholder (Default text in the field)

Save and upload the JSON File

See again Accessing and Editing the JSON File for how to upload the file.

Create a page from this Blueprint

In a space, click the 'Blueprints' button in the Confluence Header


If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Steps block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.