Methods for implementing hyperlinks with rich content previews.

There are several options in Theme Press to designate a link for Rich Link preview. (Looking for what gets served up from those links? Check out Managing Rich Link Preview Content.) You can do so via the Designer, as well as with various macros.

Using Macros

Several Brikit Macros, listed below, have a toggle option to display links as rich links.

To do so, click the "Display as Rich Links" option in the macro parameters. (Other Rich Link-related toggle options include displaying site/space favicon and name.)


Theme Press
Targeted Search + Theme Press

Using the Designer

When individual links are placed on a page, they can be styled as rich links on a block-by-block basis. This is done by adding the "rich-links" class to the CSS class for the containing block. When this is done, all links inside that block will be displayed as rich links.

To disable the display of the destination site icon, add the "hide-site-icon" class to the block.
To disable the display of the site name, add the "hide-site-name" class to the block.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Steps block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.
  • Replace me with a link
  • Replace me with a link
  • Aim for 4 or fewer related links.  If we need more, that's okay.  Be judicious.  Delete me when you're done.