Major feature release

Release Date2022-02-21
Compatibility with
Confluence Server and Data Center
6.13 through 7.16
Download Link

Featured Improvements

Automated document identifiers

Create document libraries with page numbering schemes of unlimited depth.

Page statuses

Define page statuses and labels, such as “Adopted” or “Approved for Export,” that can be manually assigned or automatically set by workflows.

Workflow exit statuses

Workflows can specify a page status (and label) to be applied on workflow completion.

Publication dates

Set publication dates for pages regardless of when they were created.

Content ownership

Designate page and space owners, regardless of who created them.

Document Identifier integration with Brikit Theme Press and Brikit Targeted Search

Theme Press and Targeted Search can display and sort by document identifiers.

Workflow integration with Brikit Blueprint Maker

Blueprints can apply a specific workflow to every page created, overriding the default workflow.

Page and space activity tracking

See active or inactive pages and spaces to simplify content curation.

Improved logging

Reduced noise and improved error logging.
