Let users choose from a fixed set of values when creating a page or space from a Blueprint. 

In addition to user-entered text and file attachments, you can now use a picklist of options inside the Blueprint Wizard. This is a great way to further control the output of a blueprint, and provide greater ease-of-use to your content creators. This guide describes how to set up  picklist of options.

Create your Page Blueprint

Learn about creating a Page Blueprint.

Access your Blueprint JSON Definition

Read more about Accessing and Editing the JSON File.

Set the "type" to "list", and add the "values" attribute to the JSON

Add a new line to your Blueprint Field object definition as follows. Please note that the "filterGroup" value is the name of the Filter Group, in quotations.

"blueprintFields" : [
			"id"			: "title",
			"name"			: "Employee Title",
			"type"			: "list",
			"required"		: true,
			"helpText"		: "",
			"placeholder"	: "",
			"values"		: [ "Magician", "Pipe Fitter", "Systems Analyst", "Knacker", "Shark Tamer", "Saxophonist", "Other" ],

Re-Upload your JSON to the Blueprint Definition Page

That's It!

Test your Blueprint.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Steps block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.