Google Calendar Events Browser macro key and configuration options.



ParameterDescriptionExpected InputExample Value(s)
Calendar IDThe email address (AKA the ID) associated with this Calendar.Text string

Google User IDThe Google service account email address that has access to the calendar.Text
Max EventsHow many events to display. (Default: 99)Integer75
Max MonthsHow many months to display. (Default: 12)Integer10
No Events MessageMessage to display when no events are found. (Default: No events found.)Text stringSorry, no events here
Show Search FieldToggles display of a search field to narrow the events list.Check box
Show Month PickerToggles display of a list of months links that scroll the events list.Check box
Simple ScrollingToggles scrolling using sticky dates versus fixed dates on each event.Check box
Description LimitThe maximum number of characters to display from the event description. (Leave blank to display no description.)Integer200
Scroll HeightSet a fixed height for the calendar display. (Leave blank to grow as needed. Ex: 400px)Number with "px"350px
Top MarginSet a fixed height (numbers only, no units) in pixels for leaving space above the calendar when scrolling.Integer375

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about the content on this page that falls outside the scope of the Reference section; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Reference block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.