Preconfigured page structures, a type of page design, included with product install.


Highly designed and optimized for short articles, announcements, news, and blurbs. Hides all page elements, but adds a merged layer with Page Title, Formatted Date (@created), and User Info (@creator) macros.

Basic Confluence

As close to Out-Of-the-box Confluence as possible, and therefore optimized for users most familiar with the Confluence Wiki style. The page toolbar is visible in the header. Layout shows all page elements, including Navigator. Based on the Elastic (100% width) layout. This is a blockless page, so optimized for concurrent editing.

BlogSimple layout that contains the Blog Tree macro in the right column. Also shows page title, page information, likes and labels, and comments.

CleanBlank slate from which to start your design. Page elements are hidden. Optimized for designers who want complete control over the appearance of all elements.


Optimized for collaboration, showing community features such as "likes" and "comments". Use of this layout can help ease the Confluence learning curve, enabling users to start as page viewers and then feel encouraged to contributor through comments. Layout shows all page elements except the page toolbar. The width is fixed to 1100px.


Optimized for consumers of long form text content such as articles, reports, and policies. Page title, page info, labels, and navigator are all shown by default.

ElasticSimilar to the Handbook layout but expands and retracts as the browser changes size.



Documentation-style layout that contains the Page Tree macro in the left column.
Also shows page title, breadcrumbs, page information, likes and labels, and comments.

Landing Page

A preconfigured layout that has been optimized for site and space home pages (or sub-landing pages). Like the "Clean" layout, all the page elements are hidden by default, giving full design control to designers and architects.



Simple layout that shows page title, breadcrumbs, and page info.
Useful as presentation slides.



Similar to the Handbook layout minus likes, labels and comments.