Create spaces and pages from Blueprints programmatically using the REST API.

REST API Requirements

REST API endpoints were added to Blueprint Maker version 2.0+ to allow:

  1. creating new content using a defined blueprint (page, page tree, or space, as defined by the blueprint)
  2. updating an existing page using a defined blueprint (single page blueprints only)

These will function the same as if a creating a Blueprint from the Blueprint Maker wizard menu.


The Blueprint Maker REST API can be used in conjunction with the existing Confluence REST API. For example, 



PUT /rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/createspace (create new space)
PUT /rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/createpage (create new page)
POST /rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/updatepage/{pageid} (recreate an existing page)
PUT /rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/copyspace (copy space)
PUT /rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/copypage (copy page)
	"blueprint" : {
		"name" : "Blueprint name"				// not required for copyspace and copypage
	"source" : {								// only for copypage and copyspace
		"spaceKey" : "sourceSpaceKey",
		"pageTitle" : "Source Page Title"		// only for copypage
	"destination" : {							// if not specified for copypage, new page will be a sibling to the source page
		"pageId" : "1234567",					// if specified, spaceKey and pageTitle will be ignore for calculating destination page
												// ignored for updatepage
		"spaceKey" : "destinationSpaceKey",
		"spaceName" : "New Space Name",			// required for createspace and copyspace
		"spaceDescription" : "Space Blurb",		// optional, only for createspace and copyspace
		"pageTitle" : "Destination Page Title",
		"parentPageTitleId" : "1234567"			// optional: defaults to destination space home page for createpage
		"parentPageTitle" : "Parent Page"		// optional: defaults to destination space home page for createpage
												//			 defaults to parent of source page for copypage
												//			 ignored if parentPageTitleId is specified
	"fields" : [								// values to substitute for blueprint fields
		"field1" : "value",
		"field2" : "value"

 - application/json

	"pageId" : 1234567	// page ID of single page created or updated, or root of page tree, or space home page

 - Caller lacks permission to edit/create pages in the destination space, or a multi-page blueprint was specified (PUT request)

 - The specified blueprint, destination page (PUT request), or destination parent page doesn't exist or caller lacks view permission


JavaScript Examples (jQuery)

Create Space
var data = {
	blueprint: {
		name: "Project Space"
	destination: {
		spaceKey: "sunset",
		spaceName: "Sunset Hills",
		spaceDescription: "Everything you need to know about the Sunset Hills project."
	fields: [
            name: "project-name",
            value: "Sunset Hills"
            name: "location",
            value: "432 West Elm"
	url: "/rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/createspace", 
	data : JSON.stringify(data), 
	type: "PUT", 
	success: function(r) {console.log(r);}, error: function(x,s,t) {console.log(x,s,t);}, 
	dataType: "json"
Create Page
var data = {
    blueprint: {
        name: "Project Page"
    destination: {
        spaceKey: "project",
        pageTitle: "Project [[project-number]] - [[project-name]]",
        parentPageTitle: "Projects Home"
    fields: [
            name: "project-number",
            value: "23445"
            name: "project-name",
            value: "Sunset Hills"
            name: "location",
            value: "432 West Elm"
            name: "site-manager-name",
            value: "Susan Clarke"
            name: "site-manager-phone",
            value: "(123) 555-4433"
            name: "completion-date",
            value: "11/30/2019"
    url: "/rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/createpage",
    data : JSON.stringify(data),
    type: "PUT",
    success: function(r) {console.log(r);}, error: function(x,s,t) {console.log(x,s,t);},
    dataType: "json"
Update Page
curl -u admin:admin -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"blueprint": {"name": "Project Page"}, "destination": {"pageTitle": "Project [[project-number]] - [[project-name]]"}, "fields": [{"name": "project-number", "value": "23445"}, {"name": "project-name", "value": "Sunset Vista"}, {"name": "location", "value": "432 West Elm"}, {"name": "site-manager-name", "value": "Susan Hitcheson"}, {"name": "site-manager-phone", "value": "(123) 555-4433"}, {"name": "completion-date", "value": "12/31/2019"}]}' http://localhost:8090/rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/updatepage/139526161

Copy Space
var data = {
	source: {
		spaceKey: "sunset"
	destination: {
		spaceKey: "seaside",
		spaceName: "Seaside Project",
		spaceDescription: "Everything you need to know about the Seaside project."
	url: "/rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/copyspace", 
	data : JSON.stringify(data), 
	type: "PUT", 
	success: function(r) {console.log(r);}, error: function(x,s,t) {console.log(x,s,t);}, 
	dataType: "json"
Copy Page
var data = {
	source: {
		spaceKey: "sunset",
		pageTitle: "Sunset Information"
	destination: {
		spaceKey: "sunset",
		pageTitle: "Sunset Site Details"
	url: "/rest/blueprintmaker/1.0/copypage", 
	data : JSON.stringify(data), 
	type: "PUT", 
	success: function(r) {console.log(r);}, error: function(x,s,t) {console.log(x,s,t);}, 
	dataType: "json"
  • Replace me with a link
  • Replace me with a link
  • Aim for 4 or fewer related links.  If we need more, that's okay.  Be judicious.  Delete me when you're done.