A first step to working with fonts in your theme.

Replace me with a more complete explanation of what this how-to accomplishes.


Theme Press Control Panel > Theme Tab > Content > Fonts > Choices > Font Families

fontFamily1: "<font name 1>", "<font name 2>", "<font name 3>";
fontFamily2: "<font name 1>", "<font name 2>", "<font name 3>";
fontFamily1: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
fontFamily2: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; 

Font names with one word do not need quotes. 

You can add additional families as needed.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Steps block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.
  • Replace me with a link
  • Replace me with a link
  • Aim for 4 or fewer related links.  If we need more, that's okay.  Be judicious.  Delete me when you're done.