A pre-defined set of colors in a theme

In any theme, a palette of pre-defined colors is determined for easy user access, allowing color use to stay true-to-brand. Additionally, these palettes determine how color selection cascades out into an overall theme design.

There are three different palette areas:

The Core PaletteThe Tints and Shades PaletteThe Grays Palette

These are three distinct colors that can be used to identify a space for a company, a department, a product, or a specific activity.

This palette defines light, medium and dark tints/shades that coordinate with the Core Palette.

This palette of white, light gray, medium gray, and dark gray is used to provide emphasis and variety.


  • The palette options are displayed directly below the color picker in any color selection context, within the Theme Press Designer.
  • Additionally, the palette options are the first options in the Confluence editor color picker.
  • Creating these color palettes does not prevent users from choosing other colors.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this concept that falls outside the scope of the Definition section; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Definition block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.