Menu with links to common page, display, and user actions

This toolbar is a menu panel that provides convenient access to a variety of features including:

  • Toggling block editing on and off
  • Page-level actions such as Share and Watch
  • User profile-related actions
  • Toggling the visibility of Confluence navigation and tools

It is often referred to as the "hamburger menu" due to its trigger icon's three horizontal lines' pictorial resemblance to a hamburger.  [[screenshot of the Simple Toolbar as it is typically situated within the Theme Press Header]]

This toolbar is only visible to users who are logged in. It is typically located in the header area of a Brikit-themed page, although it can be moved to another location on the page.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this concept that falls outside the scope of the Definition section; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Definition block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.
  • Replace me with a link
  • Replace me with a link
  • Aim for 4 or fewer related links.  If we need more, that's okay.  Be judicious.  Delete me when you're done.