Tools for page-level actions

The Confluence Page Tools menu is a toolbar that facilitates page-level actions. On any page, it is located directly under the Confluence Header, spanning the width of the page content area.

This menu provides convenient access to common page actions such as Edit, Save for later, Watch, and Share. Many other actions, such as viewing attachments or page history, can be accessed when you click the ellipsis icon on the right side of the toolbar.

[[screenshot of Confluence Page Tools menu, preferably with ellipsis sub-menu open to illustrate the above]]

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this concept that falls outside the scope of the Definition section; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Definition block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.
  • Replace me with a link
  • Replace me with a link
  • Aim for 4 or fewer related links.  If we need more, that's okay.  Be judicious.  Delete me when you're done.