Automatically launch a given workflow on a new page created from a blueprint.

With Blueprint Maker and Content Flow both installed, you can associate a particular Page Blueprint to a given Workflow. This means you can rapidly get a page created and into a publishing process in a matter of clicks. 

Create your Page Blueprint

Learn about creating a Page Blueprint

Create your Workflow

Learn about Creating a Workflow. This can be a global workflow or a space-specific workflow. If space-specific, then note that the workflow will only be associated with the pages created in this space.

Note the Workflow ID

The Workflow ID is displayed in the space workflows or global workflows table.

Access your Blueprint JSON Definition

Read more about Accessing and Editing the JSON File.

Add the "workflowId" attribute to the JSON

Add a new line to your Page Blueprint object definition as follows:

	"pageBlueprints" : [
			"name"				: "Employee Page",
			"spaceKey"			: "BLUEPRINTS",
			"pageTitle"			: "[[employee-name]]",
			"blueprintFields"	: [ "employee-name", "title", "location-timezone", "office-number", "email", "employee-image" ],
			"description"		: "Generate an employee page for the directory space.",
			"workflowId"		: 3

Please note that the Workflow ID itself is not enclosed in quotation marks. You may only associate a Page Blueprint to one Workflow.

Re-Upload your JSON to the Blueprint Definition Page

That's it!

You may now try out your Blueprint and Workflow association by creating a page from this blueprint.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the Steps block above to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.

If using:

  1. Replace me with something to note about this how-to entry that falls outside the scope of all other sections; and
  2. Add the tight-bottom class to the next visible/non-collapsed block above this one to narrow the gap between the two blocks.