Brikit Services

Trusted by fast-growing and Fortune 500 companies and developed over more than a decade, Brikit service packages follow our proven methodology to reliably design, build, launch, and operate your collaboration platform .

Explore each service below, or visit our  Learning Center  to see how they work together to accelerate employee on-boarding, retain company knowledge, build company culture and brand, and engage your entire organization


Information Architecture Package

Tune Atlassian and Brikit products to fit your organization like a glove

Theme Package

Boost engagement by building company culture and making users feel at home

Theme Designer Training

Expert-led guidance for do-it-yourself visual design using Theme Press.

Custom Pre-Project

Prioritize and reduce spending with needs analysis for your customization or clean-up projects.

Content Strategy

Blueprints, workflows, archiving for speed, consistency, quality control

Site Buildout

Landing pages and spaces, taxonomy configuration, menus, permissions

Employee Communications Strategy

Design a comprehensive communications framework to engage your employees.

User Guide

Jumpstart users with a tailored guide for platform, design, and content strategy essentials.


Content Strategist Training

Build in-house expertise in information and visual design, content lifecycle, and workflows.

User Champion Training

Build internal experts to support your community in creating and using virtual workspaces.

Service Punchcards

Tap our experts to get unstructured help to smooth out speed bumps and navigate road blocks.


Launch Planning

Manage change with awareness campaigns, training, and scripted on-boarding


Migrate meaningful content from existing systems to provide continuity

Employee Communications Strategy

Expert-led guidance for do-it-yourself visual design using Theme Press.

User Guide

Prioritize and reduce spending with needs analysis for your customization or clean-up projects.

Content Strategy

Blueprints, workflows, archiving for speed, consistency, quality control

Site Buildout

Landing pages and spaces, taxonomy configuration, menus, permissions

Employee Communications Strategy

Expert-led guidance for do-it-yourself visual design using Theme Press.

User Guide

Prioritize and reduce spending with needs analysis for your customization or clean-up projects.